I can't get an unlock code for Word2TeX or TeX2Word

I purchased Word2TeX or TeX2Word and have sent a request for an unlock code but haven't received anything.

First, look in the bulk mail folder in your email program --- sometimes the unlock code messages wind up here. Next, try contacting Chikrii support (mailto:support@chikrii.com?subject=Unlock%20code%20needed). If you still don't get a response you may send an email to PCTeX (mailto:sales@pctex.com?subject=Problem%20getting%20unlock%20code) and we will try to resolve it for you. In your message be sure to include:

  1. Your license code, e.g. "CSL# ..."
  2. Your Machine ID from the Unlock Software dialog (http://www.chikrii.com/products/word2tex/dl/?partner=21)

Why does this happen?

Chikrii says that all requests for unlock codes are answered automatically. The most common problems are: the customer email address is incorrect, or the customer's mail server is blocking messages from chikrii.com.

Keywords: addon