The PiCTeX and Table Macros Manual

This manual by Michael Wichura describes the use of these two popular packages. View usage instructions.

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The Table Macro Package

Making tables can be one of the most complex TeX tasks, but with the Table Macro Package, constructing even the most elaborate tables is a snap. Table also works with LaTeX. Headings may be placed over single columns or groups of columns. Table entries may contain equations or several rows of text. Horizontal and vertical lines may be drawn wholly or partially across the table. The Table Manual contains many examples and exercises.


Use PiCTeX to typeset graphs and diagrams, plot points into curves, or generate labeled axes.

With PiCTeX:

  • Figures become an integral part of the typesetting process. You can avoid having to leave the proper amount of space in your document for material that has to be created on some external device and later pasted into the finished product.
  • All of TeX's formatting capabilities are available for annotating your figures.
  • Since typeset figures are embedded in the DVI, these figures have device independent characteristics.

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